An Ode To A Good Woman
Mother’s Day is celebrated by many on this date, all over our country. No doubt there are many mother’s that deserve honor. All mothers that deserve honor are those whom we would call “good women”. While we take a moment honor our mothers, let us not forget that this day is the Lord’s Day. It is God who created woman, placed her along side of man, and gave her a great honor in that she could bear children. Then she, along with the father, are to bring those children up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. This was always the plan of God.
Some mothers are so, simply because they gave birth to a child. Others are mothers who “chose” children to raise because the birth mother could not – or would not face this awesome responsibility. Honor is to be given to all mothers who accept this privilege and rise to the occasion. All who do so, are surely good women.
Below is a poem, written by my Father-In-Law, approximately 35 years ago which shows he had a good understanding of God’s plan for mothers and the benefit of being the product of, and the partner to a “Good Woman”.
Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ
An Ode To A Good Woman
I was talking to a man the other day,
Who was trying to “explain” the creation away.
His efforts to uphold the Evolution Theory,
Were quite a “bore” and made me feel weary.
He called it a theory, but to him it was fact,
And, theories never offer anything, exact.
So, I said to him, “Time about’s fair play.
I’ve listened to you, let me have my say.
God made the mountains, the hills and the trees,
The lakes and the valleys and the seven seas,
He made the morning and He made the night,
And everything He did came out just right.
The last thing He did was to make a man,
From a little ball of clay that He held in His hands.
But He saw that the man shouldn’t be alone,
So, He made him a help-mate from one of his bones.
While Adam slept, the Lord took a rib
And made the first member of women’s lib.
Now this lovely lady I will introduce,
Her name was Eve, and never was Bruce.
She was the last thing that the Good Lord made.
And the blame for all sin at her feet is laid.
But, let me ask you friend, now listen to me,
If it hadn’t been for her, where would I be?
I’d have no father, no sister or brother,
In fact, I wouldn’t even have a mother.
And who would have given the Savior birth,
When Jesus was born, to die on this earth?
Of all God made, both large and small,
If He hadn’t made a woman, He’d have ruined it all.
I know that my speech is a little long,
And, if you’d rather, I’ll sing a song.
But, first let me say, that we knobby-kneed men,
Shall never be pretty, and never have been.
The woman has the looks, the “curves” and the smiles,
That turn every head as she walks down the aisle.
If she would desire, we’d eat from her hands,
And if you have any doubts, ask a married man.
She “births” her babies and tends them with care,
And all good women are champions in prayer.
A lot of us men would have never been saved,
Had it not been for women who were strong and brave.
Well, friend, thanks so much that you listened and stayed,
But the woman’s the greatest that God ever made.
Yet, while she’s so great, the Lord in His plan,
Never made her equal or the head of the man.
Yes; God’s the creator and the woman did fall,
But if He hadn’t made her, He’d have ruined it all.”
O. D. Wilson – deceased