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I'm Not What I Used To Be

I’m Not What I Used To Be

     Often, when I have difficulty in writing a bulletin article I go to a source provided in the writings of others. I appreciate the efforts of others in the cause of Christ for truth and right. Some of these folks have gone to their reward, and others are still with us for the present.   In their writings and in mine, one thing seems to be apparent. We are all not what we used to be. We are all changing as we live. This is because, hopefully, we learn more each day. What we learn could have a positive, or a negative effect on us, depending on what we learn and then, what we do with it.
    Some learn of good things (God’s Word) and apply it in their lives, while others learn and embrace what is evil and wicked. Fortunately, some who “learn” of evil, have been taught, and recognize evil as such, and avoid it at all costs so that they might be pleasing to God. Sadly, still others think being “a moral person” will gain them a home in heaven. Even sadder still is when the concept of good or evil is ignored as a person lives their lives ‘for self’, not considering that there is a reason each soul is granted time here on earth. The outcome for each life is directly dependent on what one does while living their lives in response to God’s Word.
     I found the following poem in the writings of my wife’s Father recently. It conveys what I wanted to say much better than I could. It also directs the minds of the readers to God’s Word and what each should do with it. God’s Word is a gift of God, provided that we might: 1) be born again as we obey the gospel - John 3:1-7; 2) grow spiritually as we partake of the sincere milk of the Word -1Pet 2:2; 3) stand fast in the faith, remaining strong -1Cor 16:13; 4) remain faithful until death - Rev 2:10b.
    None of us should “be what we used to be” because we are to continue to grow in grace and continually to excel in service to God in preparation so that we might spend eternity with Him. I sincerely hope that everyone will open their heart (mind) to the Word of God and be altered just as God intended. I hope this poem helps lead you in the right direction and that you might open your heart to God’s Word and Salvation.

I’m Not What I Used To Be 

One thought that recently came to me,
Was, today, I’m not what I used to be.
Now, this could be good, and it could be bad,
It might be funny, or even sad. 

There’s one thing for sure; I used to be young,
And spake with a quick and youthful tongue.
I loved to laugh, and jump and run.
My energy supply was second to none.

One time in life, I thought as a child,
No guilt, as of yet, or, by sin defiled.
From problems of life I was really care-free,
But today, I’m not what I used to be. 


And, I used to be a servant of sin,
But was spared of most things that people get in,
Strong drink, “loose” women, other acts of crime,
Thank God I can say, were never mine. 

I have lived a life that was moral and clean,
And records of truth verify what I mean.
But only one plan God has for sin,
The good and the bad must be born again. 

Paul wrote that, “Ye were servants of sin”,
Before, and not , they were born again.
The “change” in them that had to be made.
Was when from the heart (mind), the Lord they obeyed. 

The “servants of righteousness” they then became,
And brought honor and glory to Jesus’ name.
So in that last day in that “final Inspection”,
I hope to be one of the ransomed inspection.

O.D. Wilson – deceased

    It’s your life to live. No one can live it for you and none can reap your reward, nor can anyone bear your punishment. In Gal 6:7 we find: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. We also know from Ezek 18:20a - The soul that sinneth, it shall die. “Sinneth” means one who continues to live in sin. Don’t be whom you used to be. Make the change now. Attune your heart (mind) to God’s Word and God’s plan. Obey the gospel. Then live your life learning and growing and prepare for that final day. Your soul’s eternity depends on it. And when your life is over, it’s too late to alter your destination.

Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ

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