Good For What Ails You
The phrase which forms the title of the article, likely stems from old-time "medicine shows" where vendors would promote their remedies as a cure-all for various ailments. These traveling peddlers ‘conjured’ up some sort of concoction that had a ‘medicine’ smell or taste and tried to convince all that regardless of the malady they were suffering, this was the guaranteed cure. They hawked their product as the remedy for snake bites, pneumonia, malaria, diaper rash, and any other thing they could think of. Obviously, the reason for “selling” this was of more benefit to the seller than the buyer.
Today, in my opinion, it’s not that different in the medical field. The large pharmaceutical companies seemingly ‘invent’ diseases to be cured, or make multiple vaccines, medicines, or potions for current illnesses, whereby their pockets are deeply lined in the process. Don’t get me wrong, there is much value in proper medical care when such is needed. Again, my opinion, but much that some ‘modern’ medicine is said to provide, results in additional problems, side effects and issues which, wouldn’t you know it, requires additional medicine. Still, big Pharma benefits most.
But man has a much greater need than the remedy for aches, pains, and the diseases, all of which are simply a part of life. What ails mankind more than anything else is a sin problem. God’s Word declares this in Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23, and many other passages. In fact, according to 1John 1:10, those that claim to “not sin” are calling God a liar. Hopefully, all also realize that physical ailments are not why God’s remedy is offered.
Christ indeed healed physical disease and ailments while on earth. But this was “that the works of God should be made manifest” (John 9:3). As the apostles and those upon whom they ‘laid hands’, healed in the early church, the purpose was the same. It was to confirm the Word of God and to direct the mind of the people to focus on the power of God (the gospel), and to show them the way to “spiritual healing”.
Spiritual healing also had its place in the ministry of Christ. While on earth, He had the power to forgive sins as we are told in Mark 2:5-11 when believers of Capernaum went to great effort to bring one sick of the palsy before Him. In Luke chapter seven, as Jesus was invited to, and went into the Pharisee’s house, there was a sinful woman in attendance. She, in an effort to honor the Lord, washed Christ’s feet with her tears, dried them with her hair and anointed His feet with ointment. Afterward, a discussion ensued between Jesus and the Pharisee. In this conversation, the hypocrisy of the Pharisee was clearly exposed. In verse 47, we read where the Lord spoke of her forgiveness, and in verse 48, He said “thy sins are forgiven”.
Even as Christ was in the process of ending His work for God on earth, He still was offering forgiveness. This is not saying that Christ was giving blanket forgiveness to all while on the cross. Christ’s death on the cross provided the means for forgiveness from sin, but did not forgive anyone. Some are going to contend that the thief on the cross was forgiven. I’ll not argue that as in Luke 23:43 He told the man “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” That is indeed forgiveness. However, Jesus was still on earth. He had not yet died, and they were still under the Old Testament Law that was given to the Jews, (Israel alone). Might I also point out that the “thieves on the cross” were also Jews, and therefore children of God under that Law. One repented and received forgiveness. Forgiveness, (spiritual healing), is Good For What Ails You, and at that time was granted to that repentant Jew on the cross.
Unfortunately, many today want forgiveness and Salvation on the same terms as the thief on the cross. However, that is impossible, as God’s plan for the Jews was not extended to the Gentile world. That “handwriting of ordinances” (the O.T. Law of Moses), has been blotted out, taken out of the way, and nailed to His cross as Col. 2:14 informs. None can live under that Law now, nor receive that which is “good for what ails you” (forgiveness or Salvation) under that plan. One today cannot “be saved as the thief on the cross was saved. Sadly, many denominational “religious medicine shows” exist today and claim that one can. Their “monetary success” shows who benefits most from their doctrine. They also claim that one can worship in whatever way they desire. But what did Christ have to say about this? In Matt. 15:9, He said: But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. The commandments of men are not good for what ails you. The commandments of men are not truth and cannot free one from sin or provide Salvation.
Christ spoke of that which is “good for what ails you” in John 8:32, He said: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.It is obedience to the truth that brings one to forgiveness and the hope of Salvation. We see this truth brings one to God’s plan for Salvation. Sin is everyone’s problem. Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take any man’s word for it. Take God’s Word for it. Why not get what God, in His Word has said is “Spiritual healing” for you? The plan is not difficult. 1) Hear the gospel - Acts 10:33 2) Believe that Christ is the Son of God - John 8:24 3) Repent of sins - Acts 3:19 4) Confess that Christ is God’s Son - Acts 8:37 5) Be Baptized into Christ - Acts 22:16, and 6) Then remain faithful until death - 2Pet. 2:20. Why not take God’s medicine for sin? Why not honor the Lord and keep His Commandments? What do you have to lose?
Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ