Mooresville church of Christ

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The Benefit Of The Bible

The Benefit of the Bible

     We’ve all at least heard of the Bible. Some families possess a large one, often called the “Family Bible”. This used to be very common and was used to record marriages, births, and deaths. In many cases, it was the record of the family tree. Many generations following, benefited by learning of the ones “gone on” whom they’d never met. Many saw those for whom they were named. Some sought names of ancestors to give to their children.
     Others use a large Bible as a press. Sometimes, following the death of a loved one, a single flower from the funeral, given in memory of the dearly departed, is put between sheets of waxed paper. Then it is carefully placed near the center of the Bible. The book is closed, and occasionally a weight, such as another book is placed on top until the memento is fully preserved and rendered suitable to last for an extended period of time.
    Some have a Bible that is of sentimental value in that it belonged to one of their parents. These are sources of memory, especially if the pages are dog-eared and worn from constant reading and study, and the sight of the book helps one embrace the ‘vision’ of a loved one learning, and devoting time in the “book of books”. Occasionally, the family Bible is an ornament. It serves to show others that the “Word of God” is in the house. Sadly, the only “dusting” it receives is when occasional housecleaning occurs.
   Hopefully, families have multiple copies of the Bible. This is easy today as the Bible is relatively inexpensive, yet of great value. Man has advanced in technology to the point that, should we desire, we have the capability of having a copy of God’s Word on our ‘smartphones’. However, the hard copy or the electronic copy of the Bible is no different than any other book in that, if it is not opened, read, or studied, the contents will do us little to no good. In addition to this, without the Bible, we would know nothing of God, His Son, His Spirit, or His plan to save the soul of fallen man.
   Below is yet another poem from the pen of my wife’s father, O.D. Wilson. In it, he conveys what we would lack in absence of the Bible. Oh, the sad state of the man that “hath not God”! God wrote His Word and has offered it to all so they need not be “without God”. The Spirit had Paul write of the condition of the Ephesian brethren before there was a “written Word” that applied to them in Eph. 2:12. They were described as: “having no hope, and without God in the world”.

Without God –

God knows and He loves like no other.
Understands when we’re misunderstood.
His all-seeing eye, knows every reason why,
That we’re bad when we should do good. 

God is no respecter of persons,
There is room in His loving heart for all.
He’s what no one else can be, and is number one with me.
If I follow Him, I know I’ll never fall. 

Without God, we’re as leaves in a strong wind,
Or, raindrops the clouds release to fall,
Or, the mourner who has lost his last friend,
And the stranger, who has no friend at all.

And it’s not in man that walketh,
To direct his own steps for his good.
But to bridle his tongue, when he talketh,
And to do the good things as he should.

Without God, we must face death alone,
Find our way through the “Valley”, so dark.
When my time comes to leave for my long Home,
May my Lord meet me, as I embark. 

O.D. Wilson, deceased

     I’m certain he had this in mind as he penned this poem many years ago. He dedicated his life to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. God’s desire is that “none should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2Pet. 3:9). He sent His Son (Christ) to die on the cross to provide salvation. He sent His Word (the Bible) to instruct one how to be saved. This is the benefit of the Word of God. Without the Bible, one, having sinned, would be eternally lost, without God, without hope.  
    Find your copy of the Bible, buy one, or borrow one, then read it, study it, meditate upon its Words and rightly divide it. Then do as the N.T. directs. This is the timeframe in which we live and the Law under which all men live now. Get the full benefit of the Word of God. Your soul’s eternity depends upon it. The only time you have when you can do this is in this life. If you leave this world without God, you’ll be separated from Him forever and will suffer forever in Hell, just as He promised in His Word.

Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ

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