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Fearless Optimism

Fearless Optimism

   There are times in which everyone is afraid even though some claim differently. However, what scares one is not what may cause another to be frightened. This is true because everyone has different likes and dislikes, and respond differently to various stimuli. We’ve all also known others who had seemingly unerring courage, even in the face of difficulties many would call impossible. If we are honest, we are probably a little envious of such folks.   The truth is, that most who face incredible odds with assurance are often afraid. Yet they still persevere.
   As we face the many uncertainties of life, there is much we don’t know and a great deal we cannot foresee.   This is the nature of life. We are told in Eccl 9:11 that “time and chance happeneth to them all”, meaning that the various troubles of life may affect anyone. Not one of us can be fully knowledgeable of what challenges life holds for us, nor how we will truly react when they do come. However, this is no reason to curl up into a ball and ‘roll through life’, careening off obstacles until we meet our end. To do so is to simply allow life to happen.   If we do this, we deserve what we will receive in the afterlife.
   On numerous occasions while Christ was on the earth preparing His apostles for the Great Work He would have them continue as He returned to Heaven He told them “Be not afraid ”. Additionally, He told one ruler of a synagogue, “Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36). This is not saying all one has to do to prepare for an heavenly home is to believe as many teach. Rather, He was saying they were to possess ‘fearless optimism’. When one has fearless optimism, it doesn’t mean they are never afraid, but that they possess courageous hope. Even in the face of fearful and difficult situations they remain strong, continually looking for that which is beyond. They also continue to remain prepared.
   Fearless optimism is also confident hope. The faithful Christian has total confidence in the promises of God. 2Pet 1:3 tells us God “hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness”. It also tells us that we have these “through the knowledge” of Christ. The faithful Christian knows that there is life beyond this one. If not, we could have no confidence and there would be no hope. In1Cor 15:19, the Holy Spirit had the apostle Paul write: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.”  We will not spend eternity in these fleshly bodies. Those who are “in Christ” are to be resurrected at the end of time. 1Cor 15:20 confirms this. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 
   The word “firstfruits” in the KJV Bible indicates that there are those that will follow the first to do this. Christ rose from the dead to ‘die no more” so man could follow. The whole purpose for which Christ died is to bring the plan of God for the Salvation of man to fruition. 1Pet 1:20 tells us that Christ was “foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest (made known) in these last times for you,”. Christ came and gave Himself on the cross of Calvary so that 1) the souls of man could be saved, 2) So that all faithful Christians can have total faith in God’s Promises, 3) So that all who “fight the good fight of faith” can “lay hold on eternal life”.
   But where does fearless optimism, or courageous hope come from? How does one overcome fear? Christ gave us a glimpse of this in Mark 8:26 as His disciples fearfully implored Him to save them. He and His disciples were in ship on the sea. A great tempest arose and the ship was swamped with the waves. These seasoned sailors feared for their lives. He said unto them:Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? ”. They were with the creator of all things, yet they had fear. Not only were they with the creator, but they were with the Word, per John 1:1-4. They had fear because they lacked faith.
    Because the “Word” was with God in the beginning, at creation, and came in the flesh to die on the cross does not mean there is nothing to fear. All need to be reminded what a life of sin produces. Heb 10:27 reminded the Hebrew Christians that to return to the Old Testament Law that had been nailed to the cross brought “a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.” Then, in Heb 10:31, they were told: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” The Lord also alluded to this in Matt 10:28 where He said, And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 
   We find in Rom 10:17 that faith comes from the Word of God. This should also help us see that courageous hope and fearless optimism comes from the same source. God’s Word introduces us to God, His Son, His plan and His great and precious promises. If we believe and follow His Word, we needn’t fear anything in this life. Rather, through His Word and His Son, we will make preparation for our eternity. Once we have obeyed the gospel, we will remain prepared and fearlessly optimistic as 1Pet 1:22 teaches. Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: 

Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ

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