Getting God’s Word Right
It is apparent by all the different doctrines that are being put forth in regard to the Word of God that many have not and do not understand God’s Word. The message God has provided for men is the same for all, but not all read it the same or apply it as it should be applied. Folks show how selfish they are by picking and choosing their own “special” passages and then often misapplying them toward preconceived notions or to support the doctrines they hold.
These doctrines of men are refuted when God’s Word is rightly divided as we are told in 2Timothy 2:15. This verse also tells us how we are to know what is right and what is wrong. If we do not study, we cannot “get God’s Word right”. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Let us not misunderstand; God’s Word is always right, but is not always rightly divided. It is often not rightly divided because it is not read and studied. Man should be “ashamed” if they do not read and study God’s Word as this will leave them ill prepared for what lies beyond this life.
God’s Word in this – the last dispensation of time – is called the gospel. We are told in Romans 1:16 what power it holds and the one who was directed to write this was also directed to write that he was not ashamed to preach it. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. God’s rightly divided Word is His power unto salvation, but not unless it is read, studied and understood. This is equally true for Christians as well as those outside of Christ. Christianity has to be maintained once it is obtained. This cannot be done without proper application of the Holy Scriptures.
Included here is a poem written by O.D. Wilson, my Father-in-Law, penned some years ago which shows that he also had a grasp on this problem faced by many Christians and other “religious” people that recognize the Bible as God’s Holy Word.
Understanding the Word
I’m attempting a thing that is hard to do,
And, that’s writing this poem for people like you.
Don’t misunderstand the things I shall say,
Everything in the Bible’s not for us today.
While personal pronouns appear in their places,
The context decides their “use” in such cases.
The apostles and prophets have some special spots,
Which some never knew and others forgot.
The “permanent” and temporary are valuable, too,
While screening the evidence for what to do.
It’s true these are there in the Sacred text,
With the temporary first and the permanent next.
To whom and about what, is often ignored,
While some certain passages are underscored.
“Generics” and “specifics” we know aren’t the same,
And the literal and figurative are seldom explained.
When “rightly divided” God’s Message is plain,
He gave the “commands”, the “expedients” we name.
The “mystery’s” revealed, but, Ah, have we learned?
This question I ask: Are we really concerned?
So, let us “divide” by the Dispensations,
Patriarchal, Mosaic and Christian equations,
Re-trace the “boundaries” re-build the “fences”,
And the Word will require no further defenses.
O.D. Wilson - deceased
Let’s let God’s Word speak for itself, but let’s also be sure of what it is saying and apply it properly to our lives. Only then can we “get God’s Word right” and only then can the proper application be made in our lives.
Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ