Mooresville church of Christ

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What Are You Afraid Of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

   Everyone has been afraid of something at some point in their life. As small children, we were likely afraid of ‘monsters’ that are only shadows or figments of young imaginations. As we become a little older, we may develop fears based on experience. Such is the case when we were first exposed to certain Carnival rides, scary movies and stories, and things of this nature.  There are also those who seem to take pleasure in causing others to be afraid. Bullies use other’s fears against them, and often cause fear by their threats and actions to do so.
   Fear is not limited to young people. Perhaps the first emotion mentioned in the Bible is fear, and was realized by Adam in Gen. 3:10, who was created fully adult. God had called unto Adam as Adam and Eve were ‘hiding in the trees’ – “Where art thou?” How did Adam respond? He said: “I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. Adam claimed to be afraid because he was naked, but he was actually afraid now that he “knew he was naked” because he had disobeyed God.    
     Not all fear is because one has done something wrong. Sometimes, experiences produce fear. Christ’s own apostles were in a ship, crossing to the other side of the sea as directed by the Lord. They saw something that scared them greatly. They saw the Lord walking on the water. Christ’s reply in Matt. 14:27 showed He desired them not to fear. He said: Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.  Impending loss of a loved one also produces fear. In Mark 5:36, the ruler of the synagogue was in the process of asking Jesus to heal his sick daughter, when the message was delivered that the child had died. The Lord told the man: “Be not afraid, only believe.” Then, as Peter, James and John went with Him, Jesus dispelled the fears and loss of the friends and family as He healed the young girl and presented her alive to her parents.
     Fear presents itself in many ways and for various causes, but if a person places his trust in God, and reads and follows His Word, there is nothing to fear at all.   Several years ago, my wife Linda, was assigned the topic of fear to address in a class consisting of ladies in the church. She requested some assistance from her father (O.D. Wilson). He sent her the poem below, which greatly helped her in her presentation.


The fear of God, is at reverence for Him,
which leads men to obey,
and access the values of right and wrong,
no matter what others say.
Such awareness motivates the trusting heart
to walk where we fear to tread,
And to cast out fear along the way,
For all will be well just ahead.

There is nothing to fear, but fear itself,
the inevitable will surely be,
and a well-founded faith will buoy us up
As we wrestle the storms of the sea.
“Oh, ye of little faith, why are ye afraid?”
we hear the captain say,
this ship won’t sink, in this troubled sea,
“I sail this way every day.”


And yes, when we walk thru the valley of death
we won’t be traveling alone,
We’ll have no fear, for our captain is near,
to safely direct us home.
Fear God and keep His Commandments we’re told,
This is the whole duty of man,
Because from where we are , it may not be far.
til we enter the PROMISED LAND!

O.D. Wilson (deceased) – written August 28, 1994

     Christ, in Luke 12:4-5, tells of the only ‘fear’ with which we should be concerned. And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.  Think about it!

Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ

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