Mooresville church of Christ

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That "Unchangeable" Gospel

That “Unchangeable” Gospel

      As we have entered a New Year, we all await the ‘changes’ that possibly may confront us as circumstances in our country and the world vary. This is true of jobs, family, and pretty much every aspect of life.  However, not everything is subject to change.   As the time drew near for the pen of inspiration to be laid down when God would cease ‘speaking’ to Israel, for many years, the Spirit had Malachi pen the Words we read in Mal. 3:6For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.   God had made promise to Abraham and that promise was to be fulfilled, even in the face of Israel’s disobedience.    The Promises of God are ‘unchangeable’. 
     Part of the fulfillment of that promise was the sending of His Son to die and purchase the church, wherein all could be saved.  Gal. 3:26-29 shows how this Promise of God is fulfilled.   Verse 29 states:  And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.Because Christ is the “express image” of God (Heb. 1:3), He also does not change.  Heb. 13:8 provides a simple but true declaration. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.  God does not change.  Christ does not change.  Neither will the plan God ‘purposed’ from the foundation of the world to save souls change.   This plan was first proclaimed in the Garden of Eden and will now be preached until the trumpet sounds.  
     One thing that seems to be the same this year as in the previous one, thus far, is that I lose track of time, fail to prioritize, and find myself behind schedule. Therefore, I searched through some of my wife’s father’s papers and found an article he penned many years ago that fit this week’s sermon idea but has also helped me get the bulletin out on time.   This is one of the numerous ways he has assisted me in service to God.   Perhaps like Abel of old, per Heb. 11:4, “he being dead yet speaketh”. 
       Hopefully, some will read the words of this article and wonder about God’s love for the souls of humanity and desire to know what God has declared in His unchanging gospel. 

That “Unchangeable” Gospel

The greatness in the gospel is in the ONE who gave it,
And is the “good news” that Jesus rose again.
That death has been defeated and this gospel can now save us,
From the death and consequence of sin.
The “power” of God is inherent in the gospel,
As is the “life” that’s hidden inside the “grain”.
Albeit, the gospel is not “personal”, adaptable to others,
For God has ONE plan through which ALL are born again.

This gospel has but one “form”, or “pattern of sound words”,
One “mold”, the “design” re-producing the same.
(As the “master” tape is identical with every one that’s heard),
And ONE blueprint is sufficient, and ONE name.
ONE “parenthood” genders both sisters and brothers,
And a “common” faith proclaims a “common” Lord.
Things equal to the same things are equal to each other,
And “unity” is the result, as we walk in accord.

But, ‘tho we or an angel preach to you another gospel,
Than the one that we previously preached unto you,
The anathema of God shall be “called down” upon him,
Because he “took away from”, or “added unto”.
Our Command from the Lord is to carefully “try” the spirits,
And when we find that they “walk not in the Light”,
The Lord has decreed “Do not bid them godspeed”,
Until they turn from their sins and teach what is right.

So, until the “alien” obeys the gospel from the “heart”,
By being baptized into the “death” of Jesus Christ,
There is no forgiveness of sin, in whole, or in part.
(It was in Christ’s death that He shed His blood).
And, it is “in Christ” that one is a “new creature”, “old things” gone,
(Obeyed that “form of doctrine”, death, burial, and resurrection,
Death is repentance and immersion where Christ is “put on”),
That we’re “washed in His blood” and enjoy the spiritual “connection”.

O. D. Wilson – deceased

     Don’t cling to this changing world, it will be destroyed. Why not embrace the “unchanging” gospel of Christ and live forever?

Dennis Strickland – Mooresville church of Christ

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